The ‘Young Woman’ in this dialogue lives in the West. She’s in her mid-20s. She stopped believing in Ahmadiyyat (and Islam generally) several years ago. She just hasn’t formally resigned from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community—yet. Her parents want to keep her apostasy quiet to save face.
Reasons Why Many Muslims Haven’t Left Islam—Yet
The ex-Muslim label is gaining prominence in the religious zeitgeist of the 21st century. There are however, many more ex-Muslims than just those who have consciously or publicly adopted the label. For every person who identifies with the ex-Muslim label, I have met 100-plus born Muslims who have mentally and informally, checked out of Islam.
This article enumerates some of the reasons why many born Muslims haven’t formally left Islam yet. The focus is on Muslims in the West, although this piece does touch upon challenges unique to those living in Muslim majority countries.