@ExAhmadiyya1995 Homosexuality can be cured. Look at the research. In the 70s the gay lobby stopped the research but it is def curable.
— ServantOfAllah (@IslamicAhmadi)
My response to @IslamicAhmadi:
If homosexuality can be cured, but the research was stopped, does that mean that Ahmadiyyat doesn’t have the actual cure, and can only advise a strategy of cradle-to-grave celibacy?
Why was this amazing knowledge not divulged to your Mahdi and Messiah? It’s so apropos for the Latter Days, the End Times, etc.
Why should you need scientific research to cure something that only Abrahamic religious traditions now think are a problem?
What are people supposed to do without this “research”, now that it is apparently stalled?
And why did Allah commit genocide on the People of Lut instead of explaining how they could be cured? Didn’t he just set the example of hating both the “sin” and the “sinner”?
- A life long pursuit of celibacy is not a “cure”.
- Killing gays (divine genocide, wiping them out) is not a “cure”. But this is the route Allah took.
- Telling a gay man to marry a woman anyways, is not a “cure”. That in fact, ruins an unsuspecting woman’s life too.
In scenario 3, or leading up to it, what does the Jama’at do? Hold a secret Rishta-Nata file for gays and lesbians to marry each other? Or do you advise families to “not divulge” one’s sexual orientation and just “pray” that the gay party in the marriage goes straight? How unfair to the women involved!
Let’s go back to cures, shall we? How do Ahmadi Muslims actually propose we improve on the methods tried here:
@ImamNoonan How would Ahmadiyyat improve on this: https://t.co/X6YXEFRpFN to “cure” homosexuals? @DeutscheHure
— Reason on Faith (@ReasonOnFaith)
When born-Ahmadis can openly profess that they are gay, when they will not be ostracized by their families, when young Ahmadis can choose to leave the Jama’at without a myriad of family pressures and guilt trips, then you can have all the LGBTQI folks just quietly leave the Community with a kind word on their way out.
Until then, you will see frustration vocalized.
Suicide rates are higher among LGBT Muslims than straight Muslims, including LGBT Ahmadi Muslims. Not because these people are inherently unstable, but because of the stigma and stress religious communities — like Ahmadiyyat — create in their lives given the official position on sexual orientation and gender.
This is how ridiculous such religious positions have gotten, IMHO.