In the Spring of 2019, I came out publicly as both an ex-Ahmadi and an ex-Muslim. While I’ve been blogging and commenting for a couple of years on social media under the alias Reason on Faith, I am finally ready to have you put a face and a voice to that name.
Ex-Muslims Speaking Out: Responding to the Pushback at Waterloo
On Sep 20, 2017, speakers from EXMNA—the Ex-Muslims of North America, were scheduled to host an event with the aim of normalizing dissent. Meaning, that it’s okay for people to be ex-Muslim, and we needn’t keep it a secret out of fear or shame. That event however, was canceled by the University of Waterloo, without […]
My Beliefs: A Treatise
Although I was once a devoutly religious Ahmadi Muslim, I did not leave Ahmadiyyat to embrace mainstream Islam. Nor have I embraced any other religion. This treatise explores my positions on religion and philosophy. I will present a limited critique of Qur’anic scripture and Islamic philosophy. This is to help convey the basis for my rejection of Islam. For me, it distills down to scriptural verses which are illogical, and teachings that lack moral grace.
To be clear, I’m not referring to the revisionist understanding and expression of these ideas in western, progressive Muslim communities. I’m going to the source.
The r/islam subreddit on bringing ex-Muslims back to Islam
A recent post on the subreddit r/islam exploded with activity. Some of us ex-Muslims commented on that thread. I’ve included below, the main comment that I contributed. It is directed at Muslims who follow a mainstream version of Islam. The Mechanics of Reddit A few minutes later, my comment was deleted. At least, it no […]
Reasons Why Many Muslims Haven’t Left Islam—Yet
The ex-Muslim label is gaining prominence in the religious zeitgeist of the 21st century. There are however, many more ex-Muslims than just those who have consciously or publicly adopted the label. For every person who identifies with the ex-Muslim label, I have met 100-plus born Muslims who have mentally and informally, checked out of Islam.
This article enumerates some of the reasons why many born Muslims haven’t formally left Islam yet. The focus is on Muslims in the West, although this piece does touch upon challenges unique to those living in Muslim majority countries.