In a recent Twitter conversation with Volkan Topalli (a self-identified Muslim), this tweet came up, which I thought it would be helpful to unpack some. @ReasonOnFaith Atheists + secular humanists used to advocate for religious freedom. Now they demonize; contributes to anti-Muslim bias. — Volkan Topalli (@VolkanTopalli) December 17, 2016 Atheists, deists, agnostics and secular humanists still […]
Any Non-Muslims in the Isnad of Reliable Hadith?
Recent twitter discussion on hadith, authenticity, chain of transmission vs. biographies (Sira) with hadith cited of various chain of transmission strengths got me thinking… How would a true historical event that is not flattering to Muhammad, even get passed along by devout believing Muslims who would rather reject it and dismiss it? Wouldn’t that leave […]