This page serves as a convenient index into excellent resources critiquing theism in general and Islam specifically.
Questioning Religion
While atheists are the most visible group questioning religion, you needn’t abandon the belief in a creator God in order to question religion. You can take the position that none of the religions on offer seem to be worthy of the conception of God that resonates with you intuitively. In this way, atheists and deists stand on the same side in their critique of religious claims and religious doctrine.
While I myself have many deistic intuitions and sympathies for that position, I find that atheists can be some of the clearest thinkers on the topic of what’s wrong with religion. Specifically, why the claims of religious believers, don’t add up.
Theramin Trees
Theramin Trees creates some of the best videos on the Internet, exploring religion in a non-combative way. His tone is gentle and reasonable. He draws upon his background and practice with psychology to introduce us to the relevant scientific research and make it accessible for us all. His later works include animations and music which are incredibly polished, too.
- Theramin Trees:
Qualia Soup
Qualia Soup has a focus on morality, secularism and critical thinking. Qualia Soup is brother of YouTuber Theramin Trees. As such, many of their videos are collaborations.
- Qualia Soup:
The following are resources translated into or originally written in Urdu.
- PDF Book: Why We Believe in Gods by J. Anderson Thomson, Jr., MD with Clare Aukofer
Questioning Islam
Note that no all of the pieces critical of Islam generally will apply equally well to the critique of the Ahmadiyya interpretation of Islam. The following resources are however, spot on when it comes to the critique of mainstream, orthodox varieties of Islam.
The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB)
Most of the videos on this channel were created by Hassan Radwan. He explores Islam with a gentle and non-combative tone. He still identifies as an agnostic Muslim of sorts, appreciating the positive elements of Islamic practice as he provides critique on its scripture and historical sources.
The videos in this playlist have been organized in chronological order. They are gentle enough for the believing Muslim to watch.
The Masked Arab
The Masked Arab is an ex-Muslim who produces content in both English and Arabic. He is perhaps the premiere ex-Muslim voice on YouTube who looks into the theology. He’ll explore Qur’anic verses, the biography of Prophet Muhammad, and present arguments encouraging us to question Islam’s fundamental truth claims.
- The Masked Arab (English):
- The Masked Arab (Arabic):
Questioning Ahmadiyya Islam
Much of the material on the Internet exploring the theology and practices of Ahmadiyya Islam do so from the perspective of orthodox Islam. These resources are easy to spot. They use the term “Qadiani” instead of “Ahmadi”. While they may have some valid findings, I’ve always tread carefully here, and have preferred to mostly avoid these sources with inflammatory language. That doesn’t mean it’s all a write-off, however. That said, I much prefer material which critiques Ahmadiyya Islam from a non-theistic perspective.
Nuzhat J. Haneef - Recognizing the Messiah
In 2004, one such former member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community wrote a book explaining her rationale for rejecting the claims of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Nuzhat J. Haneef wrote a treatise entitled Recognizing the Messiah. The book is subtitled, Assessing Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qaadiyaan: His Claims, His Views, His Character, and His Movement.
Given that this book was made publicly available in 2004—before the ubiquity of social media—most Ahmadi Muslims have not even heard of it.
What is worth noting here is that Nuzhat J. Haneef writes in a non-combative style. She is truly making an appeal to the sincere Ahmadi Muslim who values truth above indoctrination and dogma. The book makes painstaking efforts at both clarity and academic rigor. The author provides detailed references from the writings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. The book presents a rational critique of Ahmadiyyat.
Any serious student of the claims of the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community would benefit from a reading of Nuzhat J. Haneef’s book.
The original download site is I provide a sidebar entitled Get the Book in my overview essay on Ahmadiyya Islam.
Questioning Islam/Ahmadiyya - Reddit
The /r/islam_ahmadiyya forum on Reddit is a place were questioning and former Ahmadis discuss issues related to Ahmadiyya Islam and the Jama’at.
From the Reddit group’s sidebar:
This is both a support community and a place for you to engage in open discussion and religious critique.
All too often, forums seemingly dedicated to the critique of Ahmadiyyat are overrun by immature posts laced with salacious gossip and sensational headlines or Ahmadiyya bashing and vitriol.
We're different. We insist on respectful and polite dialogue. Click-bait and tabloid-like postings on Ahmadiyya Islam or Ahmadi Muslims will be removed. We don't use terms like 'qadiani' here.
The moderation you see here is not to silence proponents of Ahmadiyya Islam. Rather, it is to ensure that those who wish to offer critique, do so with dignity.