Growing up Ahmadi Muslim, we were often told about very impressive sounding hadith foreshadowing modern transportation in the age of the Dajjal (anti-Christ) and the Latter Days. What follows is my response comment to seeing such hadith cited again (page 3), but as is often the case, missing any literal sourcing. These hadith come from Bihar […]
Supporting the Coming Out of a Former Shia Muslim
Recently, an ex-Muslim of Shia background—Ithna’ashariyyah to be precise—came out publicly to her friends and family on Facebook. While it was a shock to some of them, this is something she’s already come to terms with a long time ago. For privacy, I won’t include the original post—just a collection of my comments on it […]
Men’s Superior Mental Faculties over Women
This post of mine, and the ensuing conversation thread on Twitter garnered a lot of inarticulate speech and weak rhetoric that I had somehow insulted Ahmadi Muslim women, and that I was some kind of misogynist, when it was the misogyny within Islam (yes, Ahmadiyyat too) that was one of several factors for which I left the religion.